Lesson 7.8 (EFFL Version) - Test for Two Proportions

Note: This lesson is part of a collaborative series between Stats Medic and Skew The Script. We admire the “Experience First, Formalize Later” (EFFL) structure of Stats Medic lessons and are working with them to provide EFFL versions of our material. This lesson covers many of the same learning objectives and relevant topics as Skew The Script’s original 7.8 lesson, but in an EFFL format. More info below.


Relevant Topics Covered

  • Race & Job Hiring

  • Discrimination

Statistical Concepts Covered

  • Two-Sample Z-Test for Proportions

  • Connection to Intervals

  • Generalizing Study Results

All lesson materials are included below. Before using them: Make a free account for unlimited access. Read the Stats Medic guide to running an EFFL lesson. Read our recommended nonpartisan practices for teaching math on civic topics.

7.8 EFFL Guidance

Video provides teacher guidance for using this special “EFFL” lesson.

Student Items

Activity (Emily CV): pdf, docx

Activity (Lakisha CV): pdf, docx

Post-Activity Notes: pdf, docx

Teacher Items

Post-Activity Notes Key: pdf

CED/Textbook Alignment: page

Original 7.8 Lesson: page