Lesson 3.3 (Version A) - Residuals, r², s

Relevant Context

  • The SAT’s income problem

  • Will some colleges regret going “test optional?”

Stats Content (CED Topics 2.7-2.8)

  • Residuals & Residual Plots

  • r², s

  • Outliers in Scatterplots

Note: This is a two-day lesson. The first day covers residuals and residual plots. The second day covers measures of strength (r², s) and outliers. Keep scrolling down to find the second day materials.

Day 1: Residuals & Residual Plots


Incorporate the guided notes video into your online, flipped, or traditional classroom - see our helpful guide.

Student Items

Handout: pdf, docx

Desmos: link

Video Reflection Q’s: form*

*this resource is mainly used in flipped classrooms. See guide.

Teacher Items

Handout Key: pdf, docx

Slide Deck: ppt, pdf

CED/Textbook Alignment: page

Data: xlsx

Lesson Feedback: link

Day 2: Measures of Strength


Incorporate the guided notes video into your online, flipped, or traditional classroom - see our helpful guide.

Student Items

Handout: pdf, docx

Desmos: link

Video Reflection Q’s: form*

*this resource is mainly used in flipped classrooms. See guide.

Teacher Items

Handout Key: pdf, docx

Slide Deck: ppt, pdf

CED/Textbook Alignment: page

Data: xlsx

Lesson Feedback: link

Link: See version B of lesson 3.3