Make Math What it Already is: Relevant.

Free, relevant math lessons. Used by 20,000 teachers.

What we do

Skew The Script offers free AP® Statistics, Algebra I, and Algebra II lessons that situate math in relevant contexts. Is college worth the cost? Are electric cars actually greener? Can you make a living as an influencer? Who’s the best basketball player of all time? Our nonpartisan lessons challenge students to tackle these questions with statistics, mathematics, and critical thinking.

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Why we do it

The creators of Skew The Script were tired of numeric procedures and contrived word problems. They were tired of seeing their students’ eyes glaze over in boredom. Most of all, they were tired of seeing the script play out as written: that their students would fall behind students from wealthier zip codes. So, they skewed the script. It worked.

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As seen in…

Our Story & Impact

At a Title I school on the southside of San Antonio, an AP® Stats teacher threw out his curriculum and made lessons on topics his students actually cared about: gerrymandering, medicine, online dating, sports, and more. That year, in a region where traditionally 2% of students passed the AP® exam, 42% of his students passed.

The teacher created (named after their class motto) and posted the lessons online for free. Within weeks, thousands of teachers across the country were using them. Now, Skew The Script is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, working to accomplish the following mission:

We support instruction and create high school lesson materials that make math what it already is: relevant. Why? Because relevant math classrooms…

  • Empower marginalized students by boosting math engagement and achievement. 

  • Strengthen civil discourse by deepening all students’ math reasoning on civic topics.



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